Let’s start recruiting the volunteer army we need NOW so that we will turn voters into activists and candidates in representatives!

Several Democratic clubs in Collin County are rolling out an exciting new initiative, the Activist Mobilization Project (AMP). Our purpose is to reach out to strong Democratic voters most likely to volunteer and convert them into activists. These newly converted activists will be members of their city Democratic club and volunteer for the endorsed candidates of the municipal races of 2021 and the partisan races of 2022. As an additional benefit, we hope to recruit Precinct Chairs for orphaned precincts.

We need volunteers to kick off AMP! Plano’s goal, for example, is to contact 6,500 targets in six months.

Our message is we can win and we need your help to break through. The time you spend viewing and reading about politics can be better spent doing something about it. Get involved and help Democrats WIN.

We will roll out this project on Saturday, March 6, in Plano, after we field test it with a small group of project organizers. Other city clubs are working on a different timetable.

If you’re interested, please email Debbie at texasblue130@gmail.com and she will put you in touch with the leader of your city’s volunteer initiative.

Get tuned IN so we turn elections OUT!