What’s been happening
What a hectic few days it’s been, y’all!
After news broke last week about Wylie mayor Eric Hogue’s misogynistic attitude, WOW Dems has been mobilizing big time. We’ve organized a protest at the city council’s May 26 meeting, initiated a petition, done two news interviews*, issued a press release, been featured on YouTube, and generally drummed up support for our message that Hogue’s attitude and practices have no place in a public forum.

The email that started it all.
Why we’re making noise
Most people are on our side of this debate, but we have received a couple of messages from people deriding WOW Dems’ decision to draw attention to Hogue specifically. These critics have cited reasons such as strict adherence to scripture, the belief that religion (specifically, Christianity) has a place in public proceedings, the belief that Hogue has a right to impose his religious beliefs on the public, and unhappiness that we’ve zeroed in on Hogue when the culture of Christianity is pervasive in pretty much all things in Wylie – including public offices and councils.
We will clarify our points of view once again:
- WOW Dems has no problem with Hogue practicing his religious beliefs in the privacy of his home and his own religious and social circles. And, while we’re not exactly fans of prayer or the presence of religion within a public context like a city council meeting, we’re not even protesting the fact that the Wylie City Council has prayer at its meetings. We are protesting the discrimination of women that Hogue blatantly exercises in his continued insistence that WOMEN not lead those prayers.
- WOW Dems is protesting not only to draw attention to the discriminatory practices happening in Wylie, but to draw attention to the need for increased voter participation in local elections for bodies like city councils and school boards. Hogue holding his city’s top elected office shows that the voters aren’t showing up at the polls to exercise their will. The greater the voter turnout, the greater the possibility that more representative officials will be elected.
- WOW Dems, like many across this country and across Texas, has had it with outdated ways of thinking and with public officials that openly espouse and enforce those outdated ways. For this country to move forward and excel, it’s time for tolerance and progress. Too many elected officials do not represent the values necessary to foster an America that’s by us, for us.
As a North Texas-based Democratic organization with a focus on enhancing women’s rights and roles in public office, WOW Dems is singularly poised to respond to incidents like Hogue’s email. It’s our responsibility to lead the charge in demanding action and change, and we take that responsibility seriously.
What we’re doing
Beyond our immediate actions (the protest and the petition), we’ll continue to monitor what’s happening in Wylie and issue calls to action. We’ll continue our usual work of endorsing, supporting, and promoting promising women candidates and drawing attention to issues that matter to Democrats and to women. We’ll potentially organize further action regarding Wylie should the need arise.
What you can do
Joining our protest, signing our petition, and spreading the word on social media about what we’re doing are the three best ways you can help right now!
If you’re not already a member of WOW Dems, join us! We always welcome new members who want to advance the role of women in public office and stand up for women’s rights. Volunteering with us is a great way to exercise your political activism and make serious change happen.
Regardless of how you choose to help, you’re so appreciated. Let’s keep up the work of promoting progressive, Democratic ideals!
In solidarity,
WOW Dems