Calendar > General Meeting + Inauguration Celebration!
Join WOW Dems as we combine our virtual January General Member Meeting with Inauguration Day – Wednesday, Jan. 20 at 7 p.m. – to celebrate the Inauguration of President Joe Biden & Vice President Kamala Harris AND to vote on the WOW Dems Board for 2021-2022!
To celebrate, WOW will put together a PARTY BAG for you named after two of 2021’s most badass Democratic women.
THE JILL BIDEN PARTY BAG ($20) includes all of the above, minus the membership dues if you have already joined or renewed.
Party Bag orders must be placed by 10 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 15, and can be picked up at various locations (details to follow) starting at 10 a.m. on Jan. 16.
You can don your party supplies and sip your signature drink at our Jan. 20 meeting, where members will get to vote on the 2021-2022 WOW Dems Board, join breakout rooms based on your interests and involvement in our committees and plan for this coming year. ORDER YOUR PARTY BAG HERE!
Register for our meeting via Mobilize and we’ll email you instructions on how to join us on Zoom.