Editor’s Note: This is the sixth installment of “Our Stories,” a new WOW Dems series dedicated to telling personal stories related to the critical issues of our time – beginning with the COVID-19 crisis. This story comes from a nonprofit consultant and former development officer for Texas State University. Share your personal story at communications@wowdems.org.
I am 71, just moved to Richardson from Dallas, and know no one in the neighborhood.
A few Saturdays ago, my 30-something next-door neighbor, to whom I had waved and spoken once in the three weeks I’ve lived here, rang my doorbell. He said he was making a grocery run for his parents and wondered if I might need some, too.
I was shocked and delighted. What a thoughtful young man. He left his phone number in case I ever need anything. I feel even better about this move now.
– Pamela Lemoine, Richardson, TX